The Library acts as a key resource and learning center of the University to meet the information needs of more than 5,000 users. It plays a vital role in enhancing the academic and research growth and overall development of the University.
The Library is highly sophisticated with state-of-art facilities. It provides online resources as well as digital resources. Library is equipped with RFID system with adopted Open Source software KOHA for Integrated Library Management and DSpace to build and update Institutional Repository. It is also providing Remote log-in facility to access electronic resources 24 X 7 and ensures high network security. Library offers membership to current students & faculty members; alumni & corporate members and adopted an open access system so as to facilitate users to have easy access to the resources.
Further, to cater to various information needs of the users, the Library has subscribed to several Institutional Memberships like INFLIBNET Centre, The American Resource Library center-Mumbai, Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG), Institute of Engineers – Kolkata, Indian Society for Earthquake Technology (ISET), Developing Library Network (DELNET), Indian Geotechnical Society, Vikram Sarabhai Library – IIM, etc.
The Library is offering services like library membership, circulation, reading facility, reference service, referral service, inter library loan facility, photocopy service, and book-bank service along with many value-added services like, computerized information search, current awareness services, selective dissemination of information (on-demand service), remote log-in facility, knowledge repository through DSpace and conduct few user education programme.
The library organizes other activities like Screening TED talks, book review, celebration of National and International Days, training of Zotero and Mendeley (Reference Management Software) to users etc.
Offline Databases
Audio Cassettes
Video Cassettes
We have put up a "Virtual Book Display" on the topic of "Photography week", Books available in the Libraries of NIRMA University. Celebrate this with us by visiting Virtual Book Display via the following link- https://library.nirmauni.ac.in/services/virtual-book-display/01-10/
Know More >On the Occasion of "Independence day", we have put up a "Virtual Book Display" on the topic of Freedom Fighters. Also we have celebrated "Photography week", we have put a "Virtual Book Display" Books available in the Libraries of NIRMA University. Celebrate this with us
Know More >We at LRC-NU are celebrating library week in our library. On the Occasion of "Library Week", we have put up a "Virtual Book Display" on the topic of "Academic Writing". Books are available in the Libraries of NIRMA University. Celebrate this with us by visiting Virtual Book Display via the following
Know More >Institute of Technology Library will organize a display of books as a Topical Display for spread awareness towards special collection of books which will be must read or missed out to read
Institute of Technology Library will arrange a screening of TED Talks on different topics for faculty, staff and students of Institute of Technology
Institute of Technology Library will organize a display of books as a Topical Display for spread awareness towards special collection of books which will be must read or missed out to read
Institute of Technology Library will be arrange an orientation Program - "Knowing your Library & Effective Use of Library" for newly admitted students.